A celebration of Nicola Hare's life

Funeral service is at Colchester Crematorium on Monday 30th May 2022 at 12:30 pm.


Nicola wanted everyone to dress exactly how they want but preferably not black! As Nicola loved bright colours, feel free to wear the brightest item in your wardrobe, she would be so happy to see a room full of colour!


We totally understand people will want to buy flowers, but can we please ask you to save the money you would have spent and either keep an eye out for updates regarding Nicola's bench (info in donations section) or make a donation to www.sthelena.org.uk/how-you-can-help-us/donate/make-a-difference or  http://colchesteripswichcharity.org.uk/content/cancerwellbeingcentre/ Nicola would be happy with whatever donation you wish to make. 

Be prepared as the fantastic FTW  (forever two wheels) bike group (including Dave) will be following Nicola on her last journey to the crematorium, you wont miss them - it will be loud!  All those that knew Nicola will know that would have put one of those huge smiles on her face!

30th May 2022 at 12:30 pm
Colchester Crematorium Mersea Road Colchester Essex CO2 8RU Get directions

Nicola loved Frinton-on-Sea, she had so many happy memories there and it's also where her Mum now lives. Nicola's husband Dave is looking into obtaining and installing a bench in one of her favourite spots there. If anyone would like to contribute to that please see her gofundme page. https://www.gofundme.com/manage/nicolas-memorial-bench/team